Dr. Bosley is a practicing emergency physician in Pocatello, Idaho where he has lived with his wife and children since 1981.
He was raised in Nebraska and Colorado, graduating from the University of Colorado Medical School in Denver, Colorado followed by a residency in emergency medicine in Indianapolis, Indiana.
His wife is his best friend of nearly 30 years and a talented artist, his oldest son is in the Army Special Forces (Green Beret), his second son is a County Sheriff and served in the Marines and his daughter is a school psychologist.
He began writing a newspaper column at the urging of the local newspaper's managing editor, enjoying not only the writing but also the learning from doing research for the articles. This has led to a dual interest in history and government, particularly the founding fathers and the United States Constitution.
His writing would please his late father, a high school history and government teacher who also voluntarily served in World War II as a Lieutenant on an amphibious attack transport, the USS Hyde.
You can find him early each morning with a cup of coffee, reading and editing his column, sitting in the overstuffed pink rocking chair his father gave his mother in 1950 just prior to his birth.
If you would like to contact
him directly, you can email him at craig@craigbosley.com.
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