Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’
“Earn this. Earn it.” – Veteran’s Day
Who are the men and women we honor each year on Veterans Day? An anonymous person offered the following description – “A veteran is someone who at one point in life wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for an amount of ‘up to and including my life.’” What makes […]
Remembering Pfc. Joseph Dwyer
Our country has a large group of people who hope we never go to war. No, they are not the people disparaging our military; rather, they are our military personnel. Our military is full of reluctant warriors who understand better than anyone the travesty of war. They know the price to be paid; but, unlike […]
The price of ‘freeing the oppressed’
How do you propose an acceptable number of dead American military personnel? How do you justify losing even one American life. Are there acceptable deaths? My inability to answer these questions is probably why I did not have the character to serve my country while many of my family members did. Maybe I could never […]
The Ivy Leagues vs. Supreme Court
Stanford and several other Ivy League universities continue to disregard the Supreme Court ruling of March 2006, which states they must either allow ROTC and military recruiters on campus or lose federal funding. Stanford argues they must refuse to allow ROTC on campus because the military is discriminating against homosexual individuals. This stalemate came to […]