Posts Tagged ‘Reproductive Health’
Killing is legal in Kansas
“We specialize in ‘late’ abortion care. We are able to perform elective abortions to the time in the pregnancy when the fetus is viable. We manage the pregnancy by the premature birth of a stillborn. We have more experience than anyone else currently practicing in the Western Hemisphere, Europe and Australia.” In layman’s language this says, “We will […]
When is abortion not murder?
The last time I wrote on abortion I learned a great deal about myself; individuals graciously reminding me of flaws in my character, lapses in my education, and deficiencies in my intellect. Acknowledging my incompetence; let us again talk about abortion. Those advocating abortion believe it is not murder up to a certain point in […]
How dare ‘Juno’ make a choice
My wife and I recently saw a movie that was delightful and comforting, with a surprisingly politically incorrect choice. Juno, a high school girl, gets pregnant and immediately wants a “quickie abortion.” Approaching the abortion clinic, she interacts with a girl picketing the clinic. She then goes into the clinic but changes her mind and […]
The role of abortion in the United States
Last week’s column on abortion generated interesting comments. As I suspected, most were either pro abortion or anti abortion. This kind of issue rarely leaves few people undecided. With this in mind, I would like to continue the discussion in a more direct way, hoping to generate amiable debate of this difficult and emotionally charged […]
Birth control for eleven-year-olds?
The Portland, Maine school board is allowing school personnel to dispense birth control to girls as young as eleven without the knowledge or consent of their parents. Is this reasonable or unacceptable? Would you want your eleven year old daughter using birth control without your knowledge? Does availability of birth control promote sexual activity in […]