Posts Tagged ‘Pro-life’
Abortion – call it what it is
Killing a fellow human being is not new to us. We already accept killing in war, capital punishment and self-defense. Society has made a distinction between murder and killing. So, if we already accept killing a fellow human being, why do we soothe our conscience trying to prove abortion is not murder or killing? […]
When is abortion not murder?
The last time I wrote on abortion I learned a great deal about myself; individuals graciously reminding me of flaws in my character, lapses in my education, and deficiencies in my intellect. Acknowledging my incompetence; let us again talk about abortion. Those advocating abortion believe it is not murder up to a certain point in […]
How dare ‘Juno’ make a choice
My wife and I recently saw a movie that was delightful and comforting, with a surprisingly politically incorrect choice. Juno, a high school girl, gets pregnant and immediately wants a “quickie abortion.” Approaching the abortion clinic, she interacts with a girl picketing the clinic. She then goes into the clinic but changes her mind and […]
The role of abortion in the United States
Last week’s column on abortion generated interesting comments. As I suspected, most were either pro abortion or anti abortion. This kind of issue rarely leaves few people undecided. With this in mind, I would like to continue the discussion in a more direct way, hoping to generate amiable debate of this difficult and emotionally charged […]
The war we don’t celebrate
Shouldn’t we celebrate the anniversary of a war? Don’t the lost lives deserve recognition? Most wars do deserve celebration; but not all wars. Wars that never seem to end, that have ongoing deaths, are difficult to celebrate. Wars like those in many third world countries seem endless; seem to be a way of life, continuing […]