Posts Tagged ‘Income tax’
What is a “fair share?”
“We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes non work.” ~ Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize economist Was Friedman forecasting today’s reality? In one tax year reported in the Statistical Abstract of the United States, millionaires earned 100 times as much as people earning $30,000, but paid 300 times as much tax. The top 20% […]
The fraud of socialism
Leicester University in England recently ranked Denmark as the happiest country. What is their secret? By their own admission they are a socialist, welfare state providing everything for everyone from birth to death. And they freely, almost proudly admit they pay for it with the highest income taxes in the world. Were we wrong to […]
Socialism or democracy – we choose
Who should pay taxes and how much of their income should they pay in taxes? What is fair? Should everyone pay the same percentage of their income in taxes, or should the percentage increase as their income increases? If everyone paid the same percentage of their income in taxes, the more you earned the more […]