Posts Tagged ‘Human’
Values and common sense
Do you ever wonder about our lost values, our disappearing common sense? Where is our foundation, our cornerstone, showing us the values that are America? Our foundation is crumbling and a cornerstone is hard to find. And we have fewer anchors to look to for help understanding what we are, and what we should aspire […]
Teaching children to murder
Littleton, Colorado, 1999; Santee, California, 2001; Cold Springs, Minnesota, 2003; Jacksboro, Tennessee, 2005; Cleveland, Ohio, 2007. These are just a few of the 60 school shootings occurring since Columbine in 1999, double previous decades. The propensity to kill is a learned behavior, not something children do naturally. So, where do we learn about teaching people […]
Dr. Tiller – the murderer is murdered
Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed last week while serving as an usher in his church. Is this a fitting end for the man who performed over 60,000 abortions and arrogantly performed “late term” abortions? Even those who support abortion early in pregnancy by arguing that the fetus is not yet a human being […]
Sand and stone – NEW YEAR’S
There is a story about two merchants in ancient Persia, Mussah and Nagib. They were traveling together in a caravan and one evening set up camp near a river’s edge. Nagib accidentally fell into the river and Mussah, without hesitation, jumped in and saved his friend. Nagib immediately had his servant carve on the face […]
Neonaticide is murdering your baby within 24 hours of birth. Can you imagine anything more horrible? How could a mother simply murder her child, sometimes throwing “it” in a dumpster? Why do these mothers not avail themselves of the safe and legal option of leaving the baby at a safe haven location? All 50 states […]
When is abortion not murder?
The last time I wrote on abortion I learned a great deal about myself; individuals graciously reminding me of flaws in my character, lapses in my education, and deficiencies in my intellect. Acknowledging my incompetence; let us again talk about abortion. Those advocating abortion believe it is not murder up to a certain point in […]
Intelligent design or random chance?
Is it one or the other? Don’t ask me to give up my faith. Don’t ask me to give up my science. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? What did Darwin say about evolution, about random chance? What does the Bible say about intelligent design, about God? I refer to the Bible because that is my faith. […]
The role of abortion in the United States
Last week’s column on abortion generated interesting comments. As I suspected, most were either pro abortion or anti abortion. This kind of issue rarely leaves few people undecided. With this in mind, I would like to continue the discussion in a more direct way, hoping to generate amiable debate of this difficult and emotionally charged […]