Posts Tagged ‘God’
Sand and stone – NEW YEAR’S
There is a story about two merchants in ancient Persia, Mussah and Nagib. They were traveling together in a caravan and one evening set up camp near a river’s edge. Nagib accidentally fell into the river and Mussah, without hesitation, jumped in and saved his friend. Nagib immediately had his servant carve on the face […]
Intelligent design or random chance?
Is it one or the other? Don’t ask me to give up my faith. Don’t ask me to give up my science. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? What did Darwin say about evolution, about random chance? What does the Bible say about intelligent design, about God? I refer to the Bible because that is my faith. […]
The United States – “One nation under God?”
The funeral of a United States serviceman, who was killed in combat, ignited the debate over God and government. Is it inappropriate to mention God at a military funeral? Did we vote to become an agnostic nation? The debate continues because some individuals and groups believe any mention of God in government violates the “separation […]