Archive for the ‘Immigration/Illegal aliens’ Category
Is the Arizona law a burden?
Those opposed to Arizona’s illegal alien law praised Judge Susan Bolton’s ruling against it as a victory for immigration rights. Really? What did the Arizona law have to do with immigration rights? Wasn’t it about illegal aliens? In fact, according to the USA Today, many illegal aliens were so worried about the law that they […]
Where are you from?
The other day a friend and I were talking about immigration. He immigrated to the United States, is an American citizen but never refers to himself as a something-American, a hyphenated-American; he is just an American. My great-grandfather emigrated from Prussia in 1852. And like my friend, I don’t consider myself a Prussian-American; I am […]
Sanctuary cities and Arizona
Among the limited powers of the federal government are matters of immigration and border security. However, the government seems unable to carry out these constitutional responsibilities, seemingly incapable of doing what the Constitution mandates. The federal government has ignored illegal aliens for decades, President’s Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower the only presidents who seriously tried to […]
Impenetrable borders
Is border security a priority for the government? The president proposes adding $500 million to the Border Patrol budget, which seems significant until you remember he spent over $3 billion on the “cash for clunkers” program. Further, his solution for the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens already here is to create a way for […]
Another price of ignoring our borders
Mexico’s Foreign Ministry said Arizona’s treatment of illegal aliens “violates inalienable human rights.” And Mexico’s president, Felipe Calderon, recently rebuked the United States Congress, saying Arizona’s illegal alien law is a “threat to civil rights and democracy.” When did living in a country illegally become an inalienable human right, a civil right? Further, while chastising […]
Racism or common sense?
Reading about Arizona’s new law dealing with illegal aliens, I got the impression that Arizona had done something radical by requiring non-citizens to carry documents proving their legal status in our country. Not so. The new Arizona law only enforces existing federal law, the Alien Registration Act passed by Congress in 1940. Arizona is only […]
It’s our choice
“The real problem is in the hearts and minds of men. It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man.” Albert Einstein Larry Echohawk, the assistant secretary for Indian Affairs at the U.S. Department of Interior, recently commented on the mistreatment of the “first Americans” by the United States government. […]
More jobs, larger tax base, fewer entitlements
The government continues wasting our money, leading us further into socialism and worse. Our leaders refuse to understand that the free market economy works, but only if the government stops trying to help. Nonetheless, government continues handing out “free” money, people little noticing that they are becoming dependent on those monies and losing the incentive […]
Who are ‘real’ Americans
“Our great modern Republic. May those who seek the blessings of its institutions and the protection of its flag remember the obligations they impose.” President Ulysses S. Grant said it well. It is a blessing to be an American, protected under its flag. But who are the “real” Americans? I recently had occasion to ask […]
Selective law enforcement
What do you do with a county sheriff who treats criminals like criminals, who enforces all the laws, not just the politically correct ones? Simple. You claim racism, civil rights violations, and contact the Justice Department. His critics hoped it would seek to remove him from office. Instead, Loretta King, acting assistant […]
What to do about illegal aliens?
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is challenging a federal government plan to use the Social Security Administration’s “no match” rule to crack down on illegal aliens. Currently they send “no match” letters to employers who have more than 10 employees with a mismatch between their name and their social security number. Previously, there were no incentives […]
Why my friend came to America
I asked my friend, “Why did you come to America?” He questioned with tears in his eyes and a quiver in his voice, “Why did I come to America?” Why would a man leave his country, his heritage, the only home he knew? Why would a man leave his country with no guarantees of the […]
“Out of many, one”
“The one absolute certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities. We have but one flag. We must also learn one language and that language is English” stated President Theodore Roosevelt. […]
The realities of illegal aliens in the United States
The United States has illegal aliens from all over the world, with the majority from Mexico (70 percent) and Central America (15 percent). Do we have a plan to deal with these 15 to 20 million illegal aliens in our country? Should we provide amnesty or deportation? Are illegal aliens just good people seeking a […]