Author Archive

Who takes the risk and pays for our choices?

On June 6, 2006, a tragic accident occurred during a little league baseball game.  The 14-year-old pitcher was hit in the chest by a line drive off a metal bat. Unbelievably, when the ball struck the young man’s chest, his heart went into ventricular fibrillation, a rhythm incompatible with life.  He remained in this rhythm […]

Taps for the fallen brave – MEMORIAL DAY

Today we remember those who died in our nation’s service. Today we proudly display the American flag, a small flag in the living room window or a huge flag on a flagpole, the size is irrelevant. The flag is flown at half-staff until noon to honor the fallen brave, and then flown at full staff […]

What to do about illegal aliens?

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is challenging a federal government plan to use the Social Security Administration’s “no match” rule to crack down on illegal aliens.  Currently they send “no match” letters to employers who have more than 10 employees with a mismatch between their name and their social security number. Previously, there were no incentives […]

Science or religion – must we choose?

A thank-you to mom for all she did – MOTHER’S DAY

The Sunday is Mother’s Day.   I would like to remember my mom, the woman dad often referred to as ‘Mother,’ rather than by her name, Alice.  He used the term ‘Mother’ when he was referring to her with admiration and respect.     Recalling my childhood, I can now appreciate how difficult those years were for us, […]

Intelligent design or random chance?

Is it one or the other?  Don’t ask me to give up my faith.  Don’t ask me to give up my science.  Who’s right?  Who’s wrong?  What did Darwin say about evolution, about random chance?  What does the Bible say about intelligent design, about God? I refer to the Bible because that is my faith.  […]

Should America boycott Beijing?

August 8th is the opening ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.  This Olympics will open with controversy, just as have some earlier Olympics.  The controversy surrounding this Olympics is the ongoing human rights violations attributed to China.  Political dissidents in China often face imprisonment, torture, or even death.  There is escalating violence […]

Virginia Tech, one year later

April 16, 2008 is the first anniversary of the 32 people murdered on the Virginia Tech campus.  The state of Virginia has reached a legal settlement with most victims’ families.  The reactions to this settlement, the ongoing evaluations of what occurred that day, and the many assertions of who is to blame for the tragedy […]

“A brother’s a brother”

I recently made each of my three brothers a gift, an irregularly shaped piece of three-quarter inch thick walnut about seven inches square, with a two-inch by six-inch brass plaque.  In front of the plaque sits a metal scale model 1996 John Deere riding lawn mower and four small sticks tied in a bundle.  I […]

How dare ‘Juno’ make a choice

My wife and I recently saw a movie that was delightful and comforting, with a surprisingly politically incorrect choice.  Juno, a high school girl, gets pregnant and immediately wants a “quickie abortion.”  Approaching the abortion clinic, she interacts with a girl picketing the clinic.  She then goes into the clinic but changes her mind and […]

Introduction to men and women

I am approaching thirty years in our emergency room.  I am not sure I can any longer recall patients I have seen, the histories I have taken.  Some histories are fascinating, some adding to my life education knowledge I never needed to know. The one constant that has remained throughout these years is that men […]

Rights and responsibilities of free press

The first amendment of the United States Constitution states, “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech or of the press . . .” Conspicuously absent is mention of any responsibility accompanying this right, although Benjamin Franklin, in the Apology for Printers published in 1731, suggested there were responsibilities saying, […]

Human beings all

Last week I wrote an article on homosexuality.  To suggest this is a volatile subject is a gross understatement.  The number of responses, the intensity of those responses, and the speed of those responses was overwhelming.  This could mean the topic should be off limits, it could mean dissenting opinions should not be printed, or […]

Gay rights and employee benefits

Gay activist groups targeted Wal-Mart claiming they discriminate against gays because they deny them workers’ benefits and they gave Wal-Mart a “do not buy” rating.  Gays disagree with Wal-Mart’s continued refusal to grant benefits to the partners of cohabitating gay workers, unless the store is in one of the few states that legally recognize domestic […]

Even military critics enjoy free speech

Thomas Jefferson said, “My God!  How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!” Proof of his statement echoes from the Berkeley, California city council chambers.  They approved sending a letter to the Marine Corp Recruiting office informing the marines they were […]

Why my friend came to America

I asked my friend, “Why did you come to America?”  He questioned with tears in his eyes and a quiver in his voice, “Why did I come to America?”  Why would a man leave his country, his heritage, the only home he knew?  Why would a man leave his country with no guarantees of the […]

Was comment about Tiger Woods racist?

Last month during a golf tournament, anchor Kelly Tilghman was joking with her co-host that young golfers have no chance of winning because Tiger Woods is just too good.  Her co-host said, “To take Tiger on, maybe (the young players) should just gang up for a while.”  To which she responded their only chance would […]

The role of abortion in the United States

Last week’s column on abortion generated interesting comments.  As I suspected, most were either pro abortion or anti abortion.  This kind of issue rarely leaves few people undecided.  With this in mind, I would like to continue the discussion in a more direct way, hoping to generate amiable debate of this difficult and emotionally charged […]

The war we don’t celebrate

Shouldn’t we celebrate the anniversary of a war?  Don’t the lost lives deserve recognition?  Most wars do deserve celebration; but not all wars.  Wars that never seem to end, that have ongoing deaths, are difficult to celebrate.  Wars like those in many third world countries seem endless; seem to be a way of life, continuing […]

Interrogation or torture?

The debate continues.  What is interrogation and what is torture?  Are there situations in which interrogation is inadequate, situations requiring something more? In the abstract, it seems rather easy to determine what is or is not morally acceptable, what is or is not torture.  But, how easy is the decision when it’s personal; when the […]