Author Archive
The czars of the U.S.S.A.
In his inaugural address of 1801, Thomas Jefferson near-prophetically described our current government saying, “Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this […]
Who are ‘real’ Americans
“Our great modern Republic. May those who seek the blessings of its institutions and the protection of its flag remember the obligations they impose.” President Ulysses S. Grant said it well. It is a blessing to be an American, protected under its flag. But who are the “real” Americans? I recently had occasion to ask […]
Is the government the new “company store?”
How well does the government manage our money? Do our elected leaders spend it responsibly and frugally, as they should? Sen. Charles Schumer answered these questions saying, “Let me say this to all the chattering class that so much focuses on those little, tiny, yes, porky amendments: ‘the American people really don’t care.’” He was […]
“…equal protection of the laws”
New Haven, Connecticut, discarded a fire department promotion exam when white firefighters outscored minority firefighters. The city did so because it feared lawsuits, not because the exam was unfair. The United States Supreme Court ruled against the city, with Chief Justice John Roberts suggesting that had the scores been reversed the city would not have […]
What do we see in our flag? – Fourth of July, 2009
A high school social studies teacher took a unique approach to teaching her classes the value of being an American. She had all the student desks removed from her classroom. And, as each period’s class arrived, shocked there were no desks, she said to them, “I want you to have a desk, but before you […]
Russia, Libya, and Iran
Iran is a terrorist nation pursuing nuclear capabilities and is a threat to the security of the United States. Is the president’s approach of “diplomacy with no illusion (while) pursuing a tough, direct dialogue” enough? The president said Iran should “take its rightful place in the community of nations,” but does it have any intention […]
The best man I ever new – Father’s Day 2009
When the call came that August day, I was working at Safeway, stocking grocery shelves to earn money for college. My dad was dead; a heart attack. The family anchor was gone. Dad was 60, I was 19, and too young to lose my dad. I was at the age when you know the least, […]
“Give me the youth…”
What do a group of like-minded people do when they cannot convince society to agree with them? How do they persuade society to not only acknowledge their values, but in the end to agree with those values? Look at the process of legalizing abortion. Proponents first appealed to society, exaggerating the number of women dying […]
Dr. Tiller – the murderer is murdered
Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed last week while serving as an usher in his church. Is this a fitting end for the man who performed over 60,000 abortions and arrogantly performed “late term” abortions? Even those who support abortion early in pregnancy by arguing that the fetus is not yet a human being […]
Thank you Chance Phelps
Are we too complacent, not realizing the price of our freedom? I watched a movie about the cost of this freedom. In fact, I watched the movie four times, each time with tears. The movie is a simple look at the price of our freedom, a simple reminder of what we have, a simple thank […]
Role of the Supreme Court?
A Justice of the United States Supreme Court is retiring. A chance to re-shape the court. A chance to change history. Wait a minute. Don’t the above statements suggest the United States Constitution is flexible, open to interpretation, no need to amend it? Dare I suggest the primary role of the United States Supreme Court […]
Who are the ‘real’ terrorists?
The editorial page cartoon in the April 27, 2009, USA Today showed Uncle Sam saying, “Will you ever stop torturing me,” while he is whipping a helpless terrorist strapped on a table. Just last week the oppressed, benevolent Taliban beheaded three more people in Pakistan. On Sept. 11, 2001, they intentionally targeted and murdered over 3,000 […]
Religion, politics, and the First Amendment
How do we reconcile religion, politics and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which says in part, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…?” Did they only mean that government cannot get involved in religion or did they also mean that religion cannot get involved in […]
Remembering good days
I watched a movie about a young couple trying to figure out how to get along with one another. As they talked, the man asked the woman to describe a day she remembered as a good day. She did not describe what I expected. I wonder. If we really think back on the good days in our lives, […]
The intolerant demand tolerance
During the Miss Universe pageant, judge Perez Hilton asked Miss California, Carrie Prejean, if all states should legalize same sex marriage. She responded that people should have the right to live as they choose but she personally believes marriage should be between a man and a woman. She lost the crown, followed by a degrading, childish personal […]
Killing is legal in Kansas
“We specialize in ‘late’ abortion care. We are able to perform elective abortions to the time in the pregnancy when the fetus is viable. We manage the pregnancy by the premature birth of a stillborn. We have more experience than anyone else currently practicing in the Western Hemisphere, Europe and Australia.” In layman’s language this says, “We will […]
The Socialist States of America
Sir Winston Churchill said, “(Socialism’s) inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” To this Margaret Thatcher added, “The problem with socialism is that at some point you run out of other people’s money.” Shared misery and not enough “other people’s money.” Doesn’t that sound like the agenda the United States Congress has for us? Congress unashamedly follows […]
Selective law enforcement
What do you do with a county sheriff who treats criminals like criminals, who enforces all the laws, not just the politically correct ones? Simple. You claim racism, civil rights violations, and contact the Justice Department. His critics hoped it would seek to remove him from office. Instead, Loretta King, acting assistant […]
Who decides right and wrong?
Recently, my wife and I went to Mexico with some friends who have a timeshare in Los Cabos, arriving the day the community started celebrating its annual Fiesta. It was much like our state fair, with carnival rides, food areas, and booths with items for sale. But, one “attraction” was decidedly different. Each evening they […]
Can one person make a difference?
A nation with over 300 million citizens, over 10 million illegal aliens, 1 President, 100 United States Senators, and 435 United States Representatives. Can one person make a difference? No. Not anymore. That time has long since past. But, what if? What if one person could not look the other way? What if one person saw […]