How to finance the U.S.S.A.
What did the Founding Fathers design our government to provide? Did they design a limited federal government to provide safety, freedom and opportunity? Or did they design a socialist welfare government to take care of our every need with unending entitlement programs?
The Constitution of the United States calls for a limited, subservient federal government, leaving to the individual the responsibility of what to do with their freedom and opportunity.
For decades, often with Supreme Court sanctioning, our government has quietly and methodically transitioned us ever closer to socialism. The current government is doing nothing new; they are just accelerating the process.
Although this upsets some people, is the government really leading us unwillingly into socialism? Or are we demanding the government become socialist? How many people still want a government of freedom, boldly accepting the risks and insecurity it brings? How many people want a government of guarantees, meekly accepting the misery of subservience it brings?
The current government wants an ever smaller number of people to pay an ever larger share of the costs. Thomas Jefferson warned of this dangerous attitude saying, “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
With a deaf ear to history and the Founding Fathers, this is exactly what Barney Frank advocates. Rep. Frank believes the government should spend whatever it wants, whenever it wants, on whatever it wants because there are “plenty of rich people we can tax.”
He wants even more of a “heavy, progressive income tax,” a phrase from “The Communist Manifesto.” It might be worth telling Rep. Frank that the communist system failed. Yes, you can get away with it for awhile. But to paraphrase a Greek proverb, you eventually “milk the cow so harshly that you pull off its udder.”
Not to be outdone, Vice President Joe Biden said, “(People) say, ‘You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’ The answer is yes.” If describing Frank and Biden, I suspect Thomas Jefferson would have said they are “swindling futurity on a large scale.”
Frank wants to tax our way out of debt and Biden wants to spend our way out of debt, while Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi outlines her own solution to our financial problems. Discussing the proposed healthcare bill, she said, “I believe that all of the cost of the healthcare reform bill can come from squeezing more savings out of the system.”
Imagine Frank, Biden and Pelosi explaining their financial theories to Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and other Founding Fathers. Is it worrisome that our Founding Fathers had a much better understanding of government and finance than do our leaders today?
Maybe our leaders are following a different set of founding fathers because they are not following ours. Our current leaders have methodically and unconstitutionally “breathed” new meaning into the “living” Constitution to get it to say what they want.
But, that is not the Constitution of our Founding Fathers, the Constitution of the United States of America. That is the constitution of a socialist welfare government that provides everything for everyone, a government taxing the rich to pay the costs, a government ordering the people to “share the wealth.”
Remember, “share the wealth” is paraphrased from the founding father of Marxism, Karl Marx, who said, “Each according to their ability to pay, and each according to their needs.” And, like communism, Marxism is just another failed socialist system.
Over 200 years ago Samuel Adams said of socialist-style systems, “If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you.”
I wonder if we would feel differently about our government if we valued freedom and opportunity above all else, the same freedom and opportunity our “real” Founding Fathers died for?